hunker down

美 [ˈhʌŋkər daʊn]英 [ˈhʌŋkə(r) daʊn]
  • 蹲;蹲下;蹲坐;保持低调;避免引人注目
hunker downhunker down


hold stubbornly to a position
The wife hunkered down and the husband's resistance began to break down
sit on one's heels
In some cultures, the women give birth while squatting
The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm
Synonym: squat crouch scrunch scrunch up hunker
take shelter
During the sandstorm, they hunkered down in a small hut


  1. But when it comes to things we think really matter , like creating a career or raising children , we hunker down , tighten up , and absolutely refuse to fail .


  2. They don 't discuss problems ; they just hunker down and hope the issue will go away .


  3. Work hard , hunker down , tighten your belt , and make a better life .


  4. It 's an instinct to hunker down and control things that makes this harder for people .


  5. I perform best when I can hunker down and do some undisturbed work .


  6. The Oblingers hunker down in their heavy sod house , clinging to their new found independence .


  7. A final idea is to go to the least expensive graduate school you can find and just hunker down .


  8. We can say this ; we live in interesting times and you better hunker down and get out of the way .


  9. I have to hunker down to finish my algebra this evening .


  10. This enormous pool has helped to protect Asian societies as they hunker down for the storm .


  11. They can help bolster workers ' security , or they can hire more security guards and hunker down .


  12. It 's when many , especially those who adhere to traditional nomadic rhythms of life , hunker down until spring .


  13. you don 't have to hunker down in your seat hoping he don 't see you .


  14. We close the doors and hunker down , convinced that we 're in control , or , at least , hoping for control .


  15. Shaken by this nightmare , Spaniards have started to hunker down .


  16. Scientists have long known that the TB bacterium has the ability to " hunker down " and go dormant under stressful conditions .


  17. All the economy 's problems are forcing people and businesses to hunker down , crimping spending and hiring , a vicious cycle .


  18. She would again reach out to her team when the 2008 financial crisis hit and the company had to hunker down for the coming rough seas .


  19. The youngsters hunker down at the bottom of the nest , hiding until mom shows up for mealtimes .


  20. This is one of the few careers in the health field where you can hunker down in your office , during day , evening , or night shifts .


  21. Japan has suffered its sharpest fall in exports on record as even previously robust markets hunker down against the shockwaves of the global financial crisis .


  22. Rather , they argue , the response will merely be for the hermit kingdom to " hunker down and tighten repression . "


  23. We didn 't get a chance to use this properly , but for those who want to take the time to hunker down and snipe , it looks like you can .


  24. German reformers will now have to hunker down until the election season has ended in late 2009 , or possibly even until the next genuine cyclical downturn .


  25. When Great Trees Falls When great trees fall , rocks on distant hills shudder , lions hunker down in tall grasses , and even elephants lumber after safety .


  26. Given all the negative consequences a default could have , banks would be wise to boost their capital and hunker down just in case Washington fails to get its act together by the new deadline .


  27. Instead the bird struck his temple and slid hot and greasy down his face , and he had to hunker down and stretch for it with fetters clanking .


  28. Police appealed for witnesses to send in any images they had of the area around the finishing line of the Boston marathon , as they hunker down for what could be a long and difficult investigation .


  29. Seems counterintuitive , but when bacteria are exposed to sublethal levels of antibiotics , they get stressed , and " they attach to surfaces and hunker down , in things we call biofilms . "
